Minggu, 17 April 2011

The Experience of Micro Teaching In The Class

1. The labs allowed me to assess my instructional strengths and weaknesses.
"I feel that I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses 
and now I can work with them."

  "Microteaching was a very beneficial tool, in the sense that
it has developed my confidence as well as focused on areas 
that need improvement."

   "I learned so much about my weaknesses and strengths, personal 
   attributes and new skills to employ when I enter the real world."
2. The labs increased and/or developed my public presentation/communication skills.
"The experience showed me how to present what I know to the 
best of my ability."

   "This experience has made my anxiety of public speaking almost

   "I saw these microteaching experiences as excellent opportunities 
for me to test my communication and teaching skills as well as 
learn some new `tricks of the trade'."
3. Videotaping and watching my lessons was beneficial to me.
"I was glad I could watch myself teach and to see firsthand what 
I really need to improve on before I get out there. I had never 
experienced anything like that before, but it was a very helpful 
exercise and process to go through." 
"A factor that helped me was getting taped when I taught. 
I think that this was the most important part in doing 
the microteaching labs because it gave me, along with the other 
students, a chance to watch ourselves to see what we need 
to work on to improve. There are so many little things that 
you can't get from other people without seeing it for yourself, 
and that's what the tapes helped in doing."

  "I think the camera made me more nervous than anything ... 
I do have a phobia with video cameras, so I think that 
was probably my problem."
4. The peer evaluations of my lessons were beneficial. 
"I think that watching others and being evaluated 
by others helped out a lot because I learned things 
about myself that I never noticed."

  "I feel that my peers did a great job of helping and 
supporting me in every way that they could, but one of 
the best benefits of teaching to a class of my peers is 
that when I struggled, and I did struggle, they were there
and understood where I was coming from because they too 
were thrown into the same situations."

  "These small groups were helpful to me because I could teach them and I
knew that I would get honest answers and useful ideas as to how I can
  improve my teaching skills. I knew that their thoughts would be honest and
  helpful because they expected the same out of me when they were teaching."

  "The feedback was not very helpful ... people would make a few suggestions
  but for the most part it was very broad and not of much help."
5. The labs allowed me to have a clearer idea of what it takes 
to plan and implement lessons. 
"By doing these microteaching labs, I have learned a lot about 
myself and about the planning that must be done by myself the teacher ... 
what kinds of planning is required for different types of lessons 
and how I must plan to be prepared."

  "I learned more about time management and how long it takes 
to do things and pass things out. I also learned about some 
of the other little things about teaching that you don't really 
realize until you get up and actually teach."

 "I think that the microteaching labs helped me put into perspective the
 scope of the actual planning and the amount of time needed to finish it,
 like a big wake-up call."
6. Through the various lessons taught (and observed) in the labs, I have gained many ideas
and strategies to implement in future teaching situations.

"I learned from the other students in my group as well. 
Some people had really fun and interesting ways to teach 
and topics to teach. Others took regular topics and made 
them interesting. I learned ideas for lessons and ways to
teach from everyone in my group as well." 
"I gathered many good ideas from my fellow classmates, and 
some of their great ideas might help me in the future."

"By teaching before my peers, I feel that I learned some 
different ways to teach that I had not thought of before 
and I may use in the future to express a point to one of 
my classes. With all of the different teaching styles being 
presented, I learned that my way is not the only way that
    something can be done and that not everyone learns the same way."

"Microteaching was a very worthwhile experience for me 
this semester. I learned quite a bit about myself as a 
teacher, how easy it is and is not to be the teacher, 
and how hard it is to teach my peers." 
"I feel that this is a positive thing for all future teachers
to do and should be continued because it does a great job
simulating real teaching situations while at the same time 
doing so in a safe and productive atmosphere."

"The microteaching labs I experienced at Millikin University 
were very productive and gave me the most useful information 
out of all of my education classes."

   "Without a doubt, these labs were some of the most valuable 
exercises out of any of my education requirements so far. 
It helped me realize how difficult it really is to teach 
science, no matter how well you know the material."

   "This has been one of the most exciting classes at Millikin
because of the hands-on activities. Since everyone enrolled 
in this class is planning on  teaching, microteaching is the 
perfect way to get the students to prepare for the future when
they will be teaching for themselves."

This study provides evidence that the use of microteaching in pre-service teacher education programs can be a valuable instructional tool. Findings indicate that students enjoy the microteaching experience, learn about their teaching abilities, increase their confidence and teaching skills, receive multiple forms of feedback on their lessons, and appreciate being able to see themselves "in action" through the use of videotape. In addition, by observing peers' lessons, they increase their repertoire of ideas and strategies for teaching future lessons. Microteaching, while not the "real thing", is an effective method of providing pre-service teacher education students with opportunities to grow as teachers.

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